Wardrobe therapy - need to free yourself of your closet. My goodness people set yourself free! Spend some time with me and I'll assist you to get that inventory in order with your wardrobe. Going through this experience will make you feel free. By the end of our time you will wonder why you haven't done it sooner.
Image/Style/Stagette parties - let the good times roll......get you gal/guy pals together and lets see who has it going on and who wants to get it going on! We will look at body shapes and styles and find out if what we have is working for us. I will give some educational and always entertaining lessons on what to wear, where.
Speaker/Presentations/Fundraisers - looking for something different at your event, PD day, fundraiser etc. Let me take your group to a knee slapping, hilarious time where you can be educated and entertained. Come with me to the land of FUN! It does exist and it is closer than you think. Let yourself and your staff be inspired reinvented and rewarded.
Personal Shopping - put your hard earned money to work. Save time and money and have me come with you and share my knowledge and skills with you so that you can get what you want or need in half the time.
Body Shaping - body shaping can be an eye opener for people. Knowing what your shape is will help you dress your body so that it looks the best it can look. Always shop for your shape!
Manscaping - does your man need an updating? Are you wondering how to dress yourself for particular events? These questions can be easily answered by me. Manscaping addresses the questions that men have in regards to image and style and yes they do care!
Event Styling - wondering what to wear to that job interview or wedding for you and your fam? Save yourself the time and money of wondering just what to wear