About Margaret

Fresh Image 360 is a consulting company operated by Margaret Gallant which focuses on the once called soft skills, now deemed core skills.  Margaret travels across the Atlantic region delivering messages of workplace respect, leadership, generation gaps, branding and imaging. Margaret also is a Conflict Resolution practitioner. She provides facilitation to companies and educates them on being proactive in regards their staff, boards or volunteers. A specialty of Fresh Image is image consulting. Margaret will provide tips and trends on the importance of  attire and ensuring that we are projecting to the world the message we want to send. It takes 7 seconds to make a first impression and that is done with your clothes alone.

Her seminars provide her audiences with common sense and budget friendly ways to build a wardrobe and teach people exactly where to start.  She has no nonsense way of conveying information that is educational and entertaining. She engages her clients with visual aids in the means of mannequins so they really can understand and see what she is saying and why. She coaches people on interview tips and successful job hunts; she lets them in on secrets of building themselves and therefore their business. The interactive approach Margaret takes with her audience captivates them and has them always looking for more answers to all the questions of just “what to wear, where”.

Find me at
e-mail: freshimage@ymail.com
FB as Margaret Gallant
Twitter as Fresh Image 360.